Saturday, September 20, 2008

Vanilla Wafers

Sometimes "re-entry", or, coming back home after being gone for a long time...or really after you experience anything significant in your life (the birth of a child, a death, any huge change really) can leave you feeling a little unsettled. Things change inside of you...and still the world around continues on as before, but suddenly you see things so differently. I always think of myself as box of Vanilla Wafers. It's like "Someone" reaches inside the box and takes a few cookies out....maybe even puts a few new cookies back in the box. The contents change and everything inside has to resettle and find it's place again. All the while, the box and everything on the outside look the same as they always have. It takes a little time to sort the contents of my "box" out. And really it is a beautiful process...experiencing God changing me inside, looking around at the same things I've always seen, but suddenly, and sometimes gradually, seeing them through different lenses...changed. I love that no matter how old I am, no matter how many times life happens around me and inside of me and through me, God NEVER gets tired of providing me with opportunities for my heart and perspective to be changed. I never want to get too old or so set in my ways that I become immune to His transformation of my heart...His gift of change...this treasure of perspective that He brings me.


Vanessa said...

That is so profound!!!!