Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting Stretched

I'm getting stretched.
     Ha!  Like a rubberband....spread thin, tightly pulled from all ends in all directions...just as far as I think I can go.
         And then just when I think I can't be stretched any further, I find myself being stretched a little more, a little farther. 
             Now, am I stretched to full capacity?  I hope this it! How much more can I take? Seriously,
who signed me up for this emotional and spiritual yoga class?

Trust...I keep hearing Him whisper, "Will you trust Me?"
         I surrendered my options a long time ago.
               My only option, my only answer, "Yes, Lord.  I lay my will down.  I trust You.  I trust the greater work that you will to do in me...the greater work You are doing in me...NOW, through this painful stretching...Yes, Lord. I surrender to Your hand, to Your love, to Your plan for me.  I trust Your goodness.  I see Your goodness all around me.  You are good and You are my Peace in the middle of the storm."

Security..."I will never leave you.  I am with You."
Comfort..."I see.  I know. I am."
Strength..."I sing over you.  I carry you.  My grace IS sufficient, My power IS made perfect in your weakness."
Reminder..."I keep My promises."
Peace...anchors my heart.  I BELONG to You. You are my loving Father, my intimate Bridegroom, my Comforter.

You anchor me.


Unknown said...

Aimee and I are praying for an increase of strength and an outpouring of peace, favor, and understanding as your family continues through this week. May you continue to hear and follow the Holy Spirit as the Father works this out in His perfect timing. We miss all of you and look forward to seeing you soon!


Patrick and Aimee McrAtkins :)

The Reid Family said...

This is good for me to hear, Sister. I love you. (This is Sarah, who else would call you Sister?!?!)