Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Word

I found this cool website with a variety of Bible reading plans.  They let you pick from about 10 translations and they have 13 different reading plans to choose from.  After you select the options that work the best for you, you give them your email address and every day they email a link to your reading for the day.  You can read online...or on your own. 

Oh, the Word of a Lover spoken to His bride...His sweet Words to me...His words:  my sole source of strength and stability, my calm and my peace. A single Word spoken by my God sends my enemies running for their lives.  His Word is my confidence and my offensive weapon.

I am hungry to know His Word...both written and spoken...Logos and Rhema...I want to taste it, chew on it, digest it.  I want every fiber of my being to be filled with His Word.  I want His Words etched on my heart...written on every cell....transforming me into all that He is...causing me to fall before Him, exposed, undone, alive.  I want my heart to beat with the rhythm of move, to speak, to He is moving, speaking, and touching; not randomly, haphazardly, but rather because I KNOW His heart and I move together, in tandem with His...because I know His Word.

These Words spoken directly to me from my Greatest Love..These Words pierce my heart...quiet my soul...wash me...convict me.  His Word causes me to yearn for more...and they release me to run and play and laugh and cry and to live life to its fullest because as I hear Him speak His Word to me I am changed

 Isaiah 50:4
The Sovereign Lord has given me His Words of wisdom,
                                       so that I know how to comfort the weary.
                                   Morning by morning He wakens me
                                  and opens my understanding to His will.

When He speaks into my heart, it changes everything about me: how I think, what I see, how I feel, my perceptions, the way I look at life and the people He has place in my life.  His Word feeds me...and it must be  the priority of my day to be quiet and to still my train my ear to listen.

I am looking forward to these daily reminders and grateful for the accountability that this plan to read through the Word this year provides. 

If you want to check it out, click here...


The Younger of the Two said...

Thank you guys! BLESSINGS upon you. I love these sorts of things and will probably check it out soon! I'm using Bill Johnson's devotional this year and am enjoying it so far. Thank you for being there. You have no idea what a blessing you are already. J.Smude - Northern Thailand